Home / Case studies / Case study - Xtremepush – digital engagement platform

Xtremepush – digital engagement platform

Moqod Goal:

help Xtremepush to become a global platform that helps enterprise brands increase engagement and revenue.


the marketing technology solution includes such functions as

  • Web Engagement
  • Mobile Engagement
  • Social Engagement
  • Email Marketing Tool
  • A.I. & Chatbots

Founded in 2014, Xtremepush is headquartered in Dublin and has offices in the UK, US, and Eastern Europe. Moqod's developers have been working with the company since its founding. In early 2018, Xtremepush acquired Emailcenter, a leading UK Email Service Provider. In 2021, the guys became one of the 50 best companies in the Deloitte rating receiving $33 million in funding and doubling their headcount.

More about the solution:

the marketing automation platform is written in PHP.

Through a robust, safe, and resilient platform, Xtremepush can perfectly handle your GDPR data privacy, consent, and the right to be forgotten requirements.

Mobile technology such as iBeacons and Geo-Fences can identify a user’s proximity to a location, allowing enterprise brands to engage them with the right message at the right time and place.

Xtremepush’s enterprise-grade analytics provide real-time insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing you to optimize campaigns for success. Segment customers for more targeted marketing, and integrate with existing CRM software for enhanced visibility.

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